Nature is there for us, so let us also be there for nature. This is the reason behind Natuurmonumenten owning and managing 108,000 hectares of nature reserves in the Netherlands. The organisation makes the case for the environment we have left and that which is still to be conquered. Natuurmonumenten uses visitor centres and shops to create a connection between people, nature and their duty: to protect and maintain our own environment.
Branding, visual identity, store concept & design, in-store communication, façade
Nature is there for us, so let us also be there for nature. Natuurmonumenten wants people to enjoy nature, but also for them to be aware of what it takes to enjoy nature. By purchasing products in the Natuurmonumenten shop, customers are having a direct effect on nature. This involves sharing advice, offering information on (maintenance) projects and inviting people to become members or volunteers.
The first shop is part of Amersfoort headquarters. This is in the city, rather than out in the countryside. The shop brings nature to the city. It makes people who live in the city enthusiastic about Natuurmonumenten’s mission. It reflects the changing nature of the seasons, love for nature, an adventurous character and many beautiful products that express Natuurmonumenten’s philosophy.
“A shopping environment where the experience of nature is so powerful that you want to find out more and so that you feel called upon to protect it. Want to know more about making a natural connection to your retail strategy?”